Teacher's SPL is now in it's 6th year. In that time we have helped thousands of teachers obtain paid holidays during their maternity leave. Directed by Kinza Barrett, a current Assistant Headteacher, UCL Law Graduate and qualified Barrister, the company has a wealth of experience and boasts a 100% success rate for everyone that has applied through the use of our support packages.
Shared Parental Leave is a statutory entitlement, that allows you (and your partner if you wish, but there is no requirement for them to take any leave) to take your maternity leave in up to four blocks (one period of maternity leave and up to three blocks of SPL). The unique benefit of this for teachers is that it allows you to get paid for the school holidays.
Depending on when your baby is due and how long you intend to stay off work for, SPL can get you up to 10 weeks extra at full pay - a significant difference.
This website contains everything you need to know to take SPL - links to the government eligibility checker, FAQ's, a video tutorial showing you how to plan your leave and fill in the forms, and support should you encounter any difficulty with employers.
If the forms and planning is all to daunting, we offer support packages to help - essentially we'll do the paperwork for you, planning how to get the most financially from your leave and ensuring your paperwork is filled our correctly - check out the contact/ support page for more details.